The first mountain bike race I took part in outside of Marin County was the 1980 Reseda to the Sea race, promoted by victor Vincente of America.
Victor had heard about us from the ad in BMX Plus! and sent us the invitation.
John Finley Scott offered the use of his double-decker London bus for the expedition. this bus had been modified with a Cummins diesel engine, and the lower compartment had bike hooks on the ceiling.
Gary won the race. Here is the report from the first issue of the Fat Tire Flyer.
The pavement section was to warm up, socialize and pass the spliffs. Serious racers motored on ahead and got notoriety.
The top of the hill climbs were paused for a shot of whiskey getting the mind right and body loosened up for the downhill.
All was good and to each his own.